Saturday, 15 January 2011

Back to the keyboard

Moon in Leo and Trifolium Books are ticking away nicely, and there isn’t a lot to do until the ISBNs come through, so I am now free to work on my own stuff.
North Cumbria Scriptwriters meets at Theatre by the Lake in Keswick, and has a close association with them.  Last September, four of us were lucky enough to have our plays workshopped by Stefan Escreet and a group of actors at the theatre. This was just about the best experience a playwright could have- hearing their characters brought to life by professional actors. It changed my view of them, and opened up all sorts of possibilities. The keyboard smoked, and I didn’t get a lot of sleep that evening! It also brought home to me that writing, especially script writing, is never an isolated, locked in the garret, activity. A play doesn’t really exist until it is given “a local habitation” by actors, in the same way that an architect’s plan is not a house.
Draft One of Tabitha’s Tablecloth was unfinished, as I had several possible endings in my head. I am now well into Draft Two, and have a deadline to get it finished: 26th January, when several of my friends in Solway Arts have kindly agreed to read parts in an informal performance. I am sure the experience will be nothing like that at Theatre by the Lake, but I hope it will be enjoyable for the small local audience I expect, and I hope they will be kind enough to give me some honest feed-back. So now- no more excuses- back to the keyboard!

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