Available as a free ebook on Smashwords, but published here as well for those of you without Kindles, Kobos or ipads.
For free upload click here: Farmer Ted's Easy Day
“Great!” thought Ted
as he woke up that morning, “- an easy day! Nothing to do at all really.
“I’ll just go and look at my sheep before I have breakfast.”
So he did.
And noticed that the bit of string which held the gate shut
was frayed.
“Oh dear!” he said, “better fix that”.
So he went to the kitchen drawer for another bit of string.
And noticed that the tap was dripping.
“Oh bother!” he said, “better fix that”.
So he left the string beside the kitchen sink, and went out
to the barn for a spanner.
And noticed that there was a loose screw in one of the barn
door hinges.
“Oh no!” he said, “Better fix that.”
So he left the spanner in the barn and went to the tractor
shed for a screwdriver.
And noticed that one of the bricks in the path was sticking
So he left the screwdriver by the path and went to the
garden shed for a spade.
And noticed that the sheep had got out of the field because
the string on the gate had broken!
So he shouted for the dog, ran back up the path and tripped
over the raised brick.
“Knickers!” he said.
As he lay there, rubbing his head, he stared at the
screwdriver and said “What on earth is that doing there?”
At which point, one of the sheep ran into the barn door. The
door fell off, and hit Ted on the head.
“Oh bother!” he said, “better fix that”.
So he went into the kitchen to find a sticking plaster in
the drawer.
And noticed that the tap was dripping-
“Oh dear, better fix … What on earth is that doing there?”
he said as he saw the string beside the sink.
And then he remembered- this was supposed to be his easy
“Oh well”, he said a “I suppose a farmer’s work is never
he whistled up the dog,
rounded up the sheep,
tied up the gate,
screwed up the barn door,
dug up the sticking out brick,
tightened up the tap,
and made himself a cup of tea.
He sat down to drink his tea and think about what he was
going to eat for breakfast.
And noticed that the kitchen clock said five thirty.
“Great!” thought Ted, “- an easy evening! Nothing to do at
all really.”
So he put a sticking plaster on his sore head, cooked
himself egg and bacon for tea, and settled down to a nice easy evening.
And thought about all the jobs he had to do tomorrow.
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ReplyDeleteConnie, I think we both recognise days (or weeks) like that.
ReplyDeleteThis week - Walk dog every morning (couple of hours), proof read route for the Snowdonia guidebook just returned by the publisher, finish the next route for the guide, write a different version of that route for the Walking World website, answer comments on this weeks blog, write next weeks blog, finish making the spare room habitable, finish hanging pictures, complete a cull of videos that we brought here with us, weekly shop, etc.
On top of all that, I'm expecting delivery this week (hopefully) of the new Google Nexus 7 tablet - cheaper than Apple by miles, and it's Android which I prefer. Once that arrives I'll get nowt done! :-)
Ah well, there's always next week .....