Friday, 31 December 2010

The Launch of Trifolium Books

The first day of 2011 sees the launch of a new indie publisher, Trifolium Books UK
TB UK is being set up, like many another independent publisher before it, to publish a specific book- in this case Moon in Leo- but there are already one or two more as a twinkle in the publisher's eye.
The editor is working on the final parts of the novel to be set and laid out- the all-important list of characters, and Kathleen's hand-drawn map of Furness.

Moon in Leo will be available for sale on Amazon UK and Amazon US, as well as through normal bookshops, and directly from this site. The price will be under ten GB pounds.

I already have a growing list of advance sales. Please leave a comment on the blog if you wish to be added: it will help me to calculate the initial print run. I hope to get the book into most of the independent booksellers in Furness and other Cumbrian towns.

There will be a small reduction in price for people who pay ahead of publication date. Putting your name on my advance sales list now does not mean you have to pay now- it just means I will reserve you a copy, and I will email you with details nearer the time. Keep checking the blog for news!

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